Thursday, December 17, 2009

This is a new trailer for Marvel's upcoming and highly anticipated film Iron Man 2. Overall, I'm really looking forward to this film, and the trailer does a great job of showing viewers what to expect without giving away too much. Most notably, the visual effects seem to be a step up from the original film, quite an accomplishment considering the excellent effects of that film. During work on the first film, director Jon Favreau worked extensively with Industrial Light and Magic to combine rubber and metal versions of the titular character's armor with digital effects.

I found that last bit of trivia to be interesting because it marks a step in visual effects towards a path that combines old with new, traditional special effects with newer digital effects. This will allow special effects artists to make the most of the strengths of both sides while minimizing the shortcomings. All-in-all, very interesting stuff; I look forward to seeing more.

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